Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Does United Way only help the poor?
United Way works to benefit the entire community. Examples of broad-based services include emergency food and shelter programs, domestic violence prevention and counseling family crisis situations. No one knows when a tragedy will strike and when help will be needed. Plus, each of us benefits from a peaceful, healthy community.
I can't afford to give.
By giving a small amount each pay period through payroll deduction, most working people can contribute. Even a small contribution will help someone who might otherwise not receive help.
Why give to United Way of Otter Tail & Wadena Counties?
- It is local. Funds raised in the area stay here to address local problems.
- It's accountable. Volunteers decide which programs receive funds, and ensure high quality services are meeting high priority community needs.
- It's efficient. Volunteers help conduct the campaign to keep costs low.
- It's effective. By bringing the community together, we accomplish much more than we can alone. Your caring counts with United Way.
- It feels good! Your gift goes to help people that really need it.
United Way is just another charity. What makes it different from other non-profits?
United Way is more than just another charity. United Way helps us come together as one community and impact the issues that affect all of us. Most charities have a single cause for which they are seeking funding. When you give to United Way, your dollars are focused on programs affecting education, good health and financial stability.
If I volunteer, should I give?
Those who volunteer are more likely to give. They see the needs firsthand. Giving takes a number of different forms: time, talent and money. Many of the agencies could not exist if it were not for the hundreds of volunteer hours "given" each year. Keep in mind, however, that basic overhead (water, electricity, space, staff) cannot be paid with "in-kind" contributions. That is why cash contributions are also critical to the survival of community services.
Will I ever use United Way services?
United Way funded services help everyone. It is a popular misconception that only the jobless and truly "at risk" seek help from United Way partner agencies. Working people have problems and needs too. Marital problems, child care needs, alcohol and drug abuse problems, troubled teens and aging parents. United Way services are available to all. Your United Way contribution helps your co-workers, friends, neighbors, and your family. Actually 3 out of 5 of the people in Otter Tail County need or use at least one of our partner program services!
Does United Way support abortion or Planned Parenthood?
United Way takes no position on abortion, neither advocating the right to abortion nor elimination of abortion as a legal right. United Way of Otter Tail County does not accept donations to pro-choice or pro-life organizations due to the political nature of these issues.
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